Billy Woods, Nationally Known Drummer, Taoist Abbot of Spirit Gate Temple (Shen-men gaun) and Qi gung Instructor. Free music downloads courtesy of Lights On Productions.
See the videos Peace is Possible, Peace is Possible Live (Elevations 2012), FrankenFunk, The Breath of Life, Air and Water, Life's Blood.
Renowned instructional CD Rhythm Rides.
Billy teaches drumming across the US. His students go on to become some of the best known drummers. Seminars and private lessons are available.
Drum Lesson 3, Studies in 4/4, now online. Look for 4, 5 and 6, coming soon.
Billy Woods is a Qi Gung practitioner and wandering Abbot of Shen-Men Guan (Spirit Gate Temple), and teaches and leads classes across the US.
Billy is on tour this summer performing his peace love and light show. Check the show schedule to see where Billy will play next.